Sunday, January 17, 2021

Green Technology: Introduction


What is Green Technology?

We live in the age of technology. We cannot think of a day without using any technical products. But, do we think that technology should be made eco-friendly? Or, do we think that technology should be in sync with nature? Are we aware of the creation and use of that kind of technology that would not harm the environment? From all these questions, the idea of ‘Green technology’ has evolved. Now, let us get introduced to this new kind of eco-friendly technology and let us get immersed ourselves in the story of innovations that do not harm the environment i.e. the innovations that are really environmentally friendly.

No doubt, Green technology is a new branch of Technology more precisely we can say that it is a new branch of Science. The purpose of this new branch of technology is— ‘Green’. No, don't get confused with the color green. Rather, here the term ‘green’ is used to signify the environmentally friendly nature of this technology. Actually, here the word ‘green’ identifies the environment. As trees and plants continuously save the environment and the color of the leaf is green(generally), so the word ‘green’ is frequently used to identify something which is eco-friendly or environmentally friendly. The whole world is much more concerned about the environment and thinks about reducing environmental pollution and global warming. But presently, the technology that we use mostly focus on our convenience rather than concern for our planet. But, we should keep in mind that the amount of natural resources in this world is fixed and for our daily usage some of which are decreasing at a very fast rate. Thus, if we are concerned for our own planet and if we are to save it then our focus should be made on inventing ways that can conserve the natural environment and its resources and for this conservation, the promotion of green technology is a must. It is needless to mention that for the concern regarding the consideration of the environment and its resources, the idea of Green technology is getting its ground day by day. It is gaining more popularity, dude.

(To be continued)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Welcome note

 Welcome to 'Green Science'. This is a magazine which will share the information on the latest sections of Science & Technology. It will boost you up with the current trends or topics in Science & Technology. Thus, the name 'Green' is given. The 'Green' signifies a young, enthusiastic feeling and also of course sync with nature and the environment. Hope you will enjoy this new online Science and Technology magazine.

Go Green!

Happy Reading!

Indranil Majumder

3rd January 2021,
